The Maiden Blog

Birth is the most life-changing event a woman will encounter. We are entering a new era of awareness, which is opening doors to deeper conversations, and deeper understanding of our potential.
What if it’s possible for women to feel free from the judgement of their birthing choices?

In every choice a woman makes during childbirth – from epidurals and C-sections to natural home births – a potential judgment of her will linger.
Follow Your Instincts…

Did you know that there are so many simultaneous interactions in the body each and every moment, that scientist actually have no concrete answers as to how many of these processes are performed each second???
Tell Us Your Birth Story!

What is that inner voice saying about the way you wanted to or did give birth? Are you following that inner guidance or do you not feel ready or willing? We want to hear your stories? The good, bad, and inspirational!! What we learn and share ultimately helps others...
Does Uncertainty Have It’s Advantages??

Does uncertainty have its advantages?? Absolutely! Whenever you experience uncertainty it means your growing, it means that you are experiencing something new and feel a bit out of your comfort zone. Birth and pregnancy comes with a big scoop of uncertainty with each little twist and turn. Am I...
You Cannot Fail at Giving Birth!!

There is no failure in giving birth. This is not to say that legitimate disappointments won’t arise due to changes in your expectations about birth, such as choosing an epidural when you planned for a natural labor! However, when you recognize that life is full of lessons, you will...
Birth With Love

There is nothing more exciting then thinking of holding your newborn for the first time!! For most women, our first roll play as young girls was playing mommy to our dolls! For many, it never really occurs to us that birth can trigger fears that make us feel challenged...
Every Birth Is Perfectly On Time!!

What is your definition of a natural birth, an organic birth, or a baby that arrives on time? In the bigger scope of life these answers become universal, as we look at natural vs. artificial. Some hold onto the belief that if life is altered in some way, it...
8 Things You May Not Know About Giving Birth!!!

When it comes to giving birth, we believe that whatever way you choose is your path of empowerment. Let us show you how to reduce fear, relax, and have an easier childbirth! Are you preparing for labor, or do you know someone who is about to give birth? Sharing this...
Why I Created Hipbirth!!

Why did I create Hipbirth? This is my story about labor, and how my struggles turned into a precious gift for women. My greatest hope is that Hipbirth helps you experience all the peace and love you deserve! Hipbirth launches tomorrow. I hope you join me!