“Very few people understand the heart in truth. Your heart is one of the masterpieces of creation. It is a phenomenal instrument. It has the potential to create vibrations and harmonies that are far beyond the beauty of pianos, strings, or flutes. You can hear an instrument, but you feel your heart. And if you think that you feel an instrument, its only because it touched your heart. Your heart is an instrument made of extremely subtle energy, that few people come to appreciate.” – Michael A. Singer
Follow Your Heart!!!
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We Want To Hear Your Story!!!
becky rickett, , Childbirth Preparation, hipbirthmethod, 0
If you could give only one piece of advice to help another Mama with her birth… what would it...
You Cannot Fail At Giving Birth!!!!
becky rickett, , Childbirth Preparation, hipbirthmethod, 0
Surrender and accept lovingly the necessary changes that my come when deciding your spiritual, emotional, physical path for your...
8 Things You May Not Know About Giving Birth!!!
becky rickett, , Childbirth Preparation, hipbirthmethod, 0
When it comes to giving birth, we believe that whatever way you choose is your path of empowerment. Let us...
Tell Us Your Birth Story!
becky rickett, , Childbirth Preparation, hipbirthmethod, 0
What is that inner voice saying about the way you wanted to or did give birth? Are you following...
Hipbirth Launches Today!!!
becky rickett, , Childbirth Preparation, hipbirthmethod, 0
Our due date has arrived! The Hipbirth Method has launched and is available for purchase TODAY!! In honor of...
Operate From The Space Of Heart Intelligence!
becky rickett, , Childbirth Preparation, hipbirthmethod, Design, 0
Hipbirth not only believes in heart intelligence, it teaches women just how to operate from that space, and discover...
Trust Your Body And Follow Your Bliss!!!
becky rickett, , Childbirth Preparation, hipbirthmethod, 0
Hipbirth will teach you how to trust your body, and really know what it means to follow your bliss...
The Maiden Blog
becky rickett, , Childbirth Preparation, hipbirthmethod, 0
Birth is the most life-changing event a woman will encounter. We are entering a new era of awareness, which...