Did you know that there are so many simultaneous interactions in the body each and every moment, that scientist actually have no concrete answers as to how many of these processes are performed each second??? It is said to be in the billions!!!!! What!!!! That’s amazing!! Especially because even though we have these super hero bodies, mentally we still feel the need to force control upon the process, when all we have to do for the most part is let go and trust! Your beautiful body is host to the greatest natural pharmaceutical cabinet on earth. But, the fact is, if you get stuck in a giant pile of fear your ability to connect with your natural intuitiveness takes a dive. That’s when “ pain” becomes frightening and overwhelming (those darn catecholamine’s). Believe it or not, it is possible to learn powerful tools that change the way you think, as well as comfort you during childbirth. This is not magical thinking. It is possible to learn how to tap into your own innate abilities, and teach yourself how to turn up your own natural love drugs (yay endorphins!!) Do you think this doesn’t apply to you because you are planning a medicated birth?? Regardless, if you are using an epidural, having a C-section, or giving birth naturally, you still are entitled to these powerful natural drugs, that will leave you feeling blissed out and uplifted!! Birth with out fear!! We want to hear from you! Please comment and share!! What are you trying to control?