Welcome to Hipbirth! We are here to support you from conception to delivery. Whether you are planning for a natural childbirth or the use of pain medication, epidural, C-section, or VBAC, we know that all women deserve the same amount of support for their childbirth style and preferences. Hipbirth has been successfully and joyfully used by thousands of women. It is by far the most comprehensive and user-friendly support program for pain management techniques.
Empower yourself with this complete self-study course that helps to train your mind with tools to utilize both movement and deep relaxation. Hipbirth promises to reduce/eliminate fear and anxiety, enhance sleep during pregnancy, create a faster delivery, and help significantly reduce pain during birth.
Hipbirth works as a wonderful supplement to any physician-referred childbirth preparation course as well, ensuring a well-rounded foundation of knowledge, understanding, and confidence to put your mind and body at ease. Our mission and purpose is to inspire your mental awareness and equip you with everything needed to step into your childbirth experience confidently and fearlessly.

Release Your Body’s Own Naturally Occurring Love Endorphins
The Hipbirth Childbirth Method is scientifically based on the removal of the stress hormones which are largely responsible for the pain in childbirth.
Our training module helps you to learn how to eliminate stress hormones with your mind, and to elevate your body’s own natural pain reliever and “love drug” endorphins. With the Hipbirth childbirth method, you can expect to build more confidence and comfort during your pregnancy, achieve a more comfortable labor, and faster delivery by calming your mind and allowing your body to do the work.
Hipbirth is based on the concept of utilizing hypnosis to reduce or often completely eliminate the perception of pain associated with labor. Hypno-birthing with hipbirth teaches you how to relax your body fully and release fear and resistance to the natural process of birth.
The Hipbirth Childbirth Method includes a full hour-and-a-half training video that provides information on the use of the Hipbirth Childbirth Method. Our program consists of 8 audio downloads, which build upon themselves to strengthen your practice and prepare you with confidence for the big day. Also included is a Hip-journal, an instructional manual to read and also take notes, and Hip-notes, which are visual words that trigger associated thoughts with actions, which will enable you and your partner to achieve the highest results in your practice as well as on the day of the birth. In addition, the Hipbirth Childbirth Method contains added audio downloads to accompany you during labor, so you are not left behind when support is needed most!”
Hipbirth The Childbirth Method Program Can Help You Through Your Pregnancy
And Delivery With Ease And Comfort.
Here's additional reasons why thousands of women are turning to hypnosis during pregnancy and birth...
We are well trained in teaching these skills. It is not magic, it is science-based and it works.
Listen daily to recorded audio downloads and follow along with simple, yet highly effective, visualization exercises prepared in an easy-to-follow program format that directs you step by step.
Reducing stress, elevating endorphins, building confidence, and creating positive birth expectations will help to eliminate the fear that is often associated with and responsible for pain in the first place.
Hipbirth success is not determined by whether your eyes are opened or closed but rather by your state of mind when you begin. You make the choice of eyes opened or closed during labor.
Hipbirth promotes movement. We want you to move as long as possible during your labor while still enjoying the benefits of your deeply relaxed state of mind.
Hipbirth audio downloads are designed with your busy life in mind; so you control the amount of practice time each and every day. Make it work for you.